Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Feet Descriptive Essay Essay Example for Free

Feet Descriptive Essay Essay My Feet By Chris Grace Resting on the floor when I look down is one of the least favored parts on my body, my feet. The marble-like color of pink and tan blended together and the almost engraved looking marks around my ankle from wearing socks all day make them just make up some of the characteristics I hate about my feet. From the bottom of them being as rough as sandpaper and flowing into the top where it is smooth as a baby’s face to the tops of my toes coming to a ball shape like an aliens fingers there is just something weird about them. Another thing that characterizes them as weird would be all of the odd shapes and curves they contain. There are the shapes of the muscles of each toe almost shaped like straws under your skin. Along with them are the toes. They vary from being very plump and roundly shaped like the big toe to the long slender shape of the toes next to it or even to the short mangled shape of the pinky toe. I would also characterize my feet as being gross. The dark black hair sprouting out of the tops of my toes is very unappealing. Along with that is the smell of my feet after a long day of work. It is almost as if somebody let a dead animal rot in my shoe and I smell that. Another thing that makes my feet gross to me is the way that they sweat when it is scorching hot outside. I take off my shoe and they remind me of how my feet would be after just stepping out of a shower. The last thing I would characterize my feet as would be amazing. Although they can be gross and weird they are an amazing part of my body. The way you can see all the muscles tighten up and release while walking along with the tendons pulling on your toes is very interesting when you watch it. It makes you wonder how something so odd, disgusting, and very useful is never taken to notice in our lives.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Macro Economics :: essays papers

Macro Economics 1. Developing a model of an economy means answering the question(s) of: a. what to produce. b. how to produce. c. for whom to produce. d. what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. e. Only what to produce and how to produce, since distribution is not the task of economics. 2. Every year during the holidays there seems to be a great demand for some particular "hot" toy. This is an example of the effect of _________ on demand. a. tastes and preferences b. expectations c. income d. prices of other goods e. wealth 3. A market is in equilibrium when there is: a. excess demand. b. excess supply. c. a shortage. d. a surplus. e. None of the above. 4. The equilibrium quantity in a market could remain unchanged if there were a/an _________ in demand offset by a/an ________ in supply. a. increase, decrease b. increase, increase c. decrease, decrease d. None of the above. 5. Which of the following is microeconomics? a. A study of national output growth in Japan. b. A study of IBM sales since 1995. c. A study of Irish employment levels. d. A study of unemployment in Sweden. e. None of the above can be considered microeconomics. 6. Which of the following would NOT cause the demand for a normal good or service to decrease? a. An increase in the price of the product. b. The income available to the household decreases. c. Other goods which are good substitutes become available. d. Households have negative expectations about future income, wealth and prices. e. None of the above. All of the above would cause a decrease in demand. 7. Refer to Figure 4.1. Which panel best depicts the following situation: I do not buy Cola Cola at the supermarket because another brand is on sale. a. panel 1 b. panel 5 c. panel 6 d. panel 7 e. panel 8 8. If there were an increase in the price of hamburger, a. the quantity demanded of hamburger would decrease. b. the demand for catsup would decrease. c. the demand for hamburger rolls would decrease. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. 9. The conventional bowed-out shape of the production possibilities curve implies a. producers are unable to utilize specialized resources efficiently. b. shifting production from one good to another leads to increasing opportunity costs. c.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Starbucks Strengths and Weaknesses

After reading Starbucks’ â€Å"Management Discussion and Analysis† portion of its 10-K, it is apparent that the company currently possesses a highly competitive position and progressive management strategy. Starbucks’ top position in its industry and management strategy comes from the fact that this company has multiple areas of strength and lacks overwhelming weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses with regard to a firm like Starbucks are based on the internal factors relating to a company.The internal analysis of Starbucks shows that it enjoys much strength as a company. When analyzing the strategic management of a company, a strength is defined as a firm’s â€Å"resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage† (QuickMBA). The â€Å"Management Discussion and Analysis† section of the Starbucks Annual Report features many strengths according to this definition. Starbucks’ capabilities go way b eyond simply selling coffee at Starbucks shops in America.In fiscal 2012, Starbucks experienced a 7 percent growth in global store sales, 50 percent increase in â€Å"Channel Development,† and 20 percent raise in licensed stores revenue (SBUX 2012 Annual Report, 25). This fact alone presents multiple strengths Starbucks has. Starbucks has stores and a positive presence implanted in multiple countries divided into the three sectors of the Americas, â€Å"EMEA† (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and â€Å"CAP† (China/Asia Pacific). Additionally, Starbucks maintains the operating segment of â€Å"Channel Development† which focuses on the sale of Starbucks and Tazo branded K-Cups and other beverage innovations.As stated before, this segment of Starbucks’ operations witnessed a 50 percent increase in revenues in fiscal 2012 which shows how strong Starbucks as a firm really is. On top of these optimistic facts, Starbucks simply continues to show its stre ngth with regard to its market dominance and brand-name recognition throughout America and other countries. On the other side of the internal analysis of Starbucks, few weaknesses are present within the company. A weakness can be looked at as â€Å"the absence of certain strengths. For example, a lack of patent protection, weak brand name, poor reputation among customers, high cost structure, lack of access to the best natural resources, or a lack of access to key distribution channels can all be classified as a Company’s weaknesses (QuickMBA). Starbucks, however, does not appear to possess any of these weaknesses. Especially since Green Mountain Coffee’s expiration of their patent for K-Cup, Starbucks has not been hindered by access to key distribution in their Channel Development sector (Daily Finance).This area of focus may be one of Starbucks’ weaknesses though because, unlike Starbucks franchises throughout America that basically stand untouched compared t o other coffee shops, Starbucks branded K-Cups compete with many other viable brands such as Green Mountain Coffee in the home-brewed portable coffee sector of the coffee industry. Additionally, Starbucks’ expansion into other countries, although proving to produce positive income, can be looked at as a weakness. For example, Starbucks’ presence in Europe has received some resistance due to the strong European â€Å"cafe culture† and preference for different â€Å"regional tastes† (NY Times).In summation, Starbucks has a positive future and experienced a fiscal year filled with strengths and few weaknesses in 2012. Its main strength as a firm is the powerful brand and presence that has been established by Starbucks. This strength is supplemented by Starbucks’ expansion into multiple countries and different areas within the market for coffee including K-Cups. Starbucks’ weaknesses seem to be associated with its strengths stemming from expansi on, which is seemingly normal and acceptable.To increase the firm’s strengths and mitigate its weaknesses, Starbucks senior management plans to â€Å"focus on achieving sustainable growth from established international markets while at the same time investing in emerging markets, such as China† (Starbucks Annual Report, 27). Additionally, Starbucks management seeks to expand upon its Channel Development segment by developing new innovations and ready-to-drink beverages, which will simultaneously bolster their internal strength and disintegrate the current weakness of having less establishment and dominance in this area of the coffee industry.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cómo hacer para pedir un perdón migratorio en USA

Pedir el perdà ³n (tambià ©n conocido como waiver)  depende de la causa del problema y si lo que se busca es una visa no inmigrante, como por ejemplo la de turista, o una de inmigrante para la tarjeta de residencia. En este artà ­culo se explican las dos situaciones, segà ºn el tipo de visa que se busque. Perdà ³n para sacar la tarjeta de residencia Las peticiones de green card pueden ser rechazadas por mà ¡s de 40 causas. Cuando esto sucede se dice que la persona para la que se solicità ³ es inadmisible.   Dependiendo de la causa de inadmisibilidad y si se cumplen otros requisitos a veces es posible solicitar con à ©xito un perdà ³n.   Estas son distintas situaciones a tener en cuenta: Si el solicitante es familiar inmediato de un ciudadano americano y se encuentra en Estados Unidos y el à ºnico problema es que ingresà ³ ilegalmente al paà ­s y ha estado en esa situacià ³n mà ¡s de 180 dà ­as haciendo asà ­ saltar el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os, entonces asesorarse si serà ­a posible pedir el perdà ³n provisional I-601A. En los demà ¡s casos, para la mayorà ­a de las causas de inadmisibilidad se podrà ­a solicitar el perdà ³n I-601. Estos son 5 errores que hay que evitar cuando se solicita por el problema de presencia ilegal. Para el perdà ³n I-601 los requisitos son distintos segà ºn la causa de inadmisibilidad. Para muchas se pide, ademà ¡s, que se dà © una situacià ³n de dureza extrema.   Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta que algunas causas de inadmisibilidad, como por ejemplo las relacionadas con la seguridad nacional o delitos graves son extraordinariamente difà ­ciles de obtener por no decir que imposible. Si ademà ¡s, ha habido una deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n, seguir leyendo hasta encontrar ese punto en este artà ­culo ya que ademà ¡s de la penalidad por ser inadmisible hay la penalidad por la remocià ³n y habrà ­a que pedir los 2 perdones conjuntamente. Perdà ³n cuando se solicita una visa no inmigrante Las visas como la de turista, trabajador temporero, estudiante, etc, pueden ser negadas porque se considera que el solicitante es inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos.   No confundir cuando una visa se rechaza por una causa de inadmisibilidad a cuando se niega porque el solicitante no es elegible (20 causas). Por ejemplo, cuando una visa de turista no es aprobada porque el aplicante no demuestra lazos familiares y/o econà ³micos con el paà ­s en el que reside. Esa no es una causa de inadmisibilidad y, por lo tanto, la solucià ³n no es pedir un perdà ³n. En estos casos de ser inadmisible, las opciones son dos: Si se tiene una visa và ¡lida, se es solicitante de visa U (violencia) o T (trà ¡fico de personas) o se es canadiense, se podrà ­a solicitar un perdà ³n I-192.En los demà ¡s casos, se podrà ­a solicitar un perdà ³n sin utilizar ningà ºn formulario oficial pero con documentacià ³n para respaldar por quà © se solicita. En este caso se presentarà ­a ante el consulado o embajada americana donde se solicita la visa. Y a partir de ahà ­ se envà ­a a Estados Unidos a una oficina que se conoce como ARO, que son los encargados de decidir.   Ejemplo: perdà ³n para obtener una visa no inmigrante cuando el problema es fraude 212(a)(6)(c)(i). Si ha habido una deportacià ³n o remocià ³n En los casos de deportacià ³n se impone un castigo y no se puede regresar a Estados Unidos por un nà ºmero de aà ±os, que dependen del caso. Si se considera que se podrà ­a obtener un perdà ³n para regresar hasta de que transcurran esos aà ±os, hay que pedir el perdà ³n I-212. Dependiendo de las circunstancias del caso, sà ³lo este o à ©ste y otro. Por ejemplo, puede que se tenga que pedir el I-601 y el I-212 conjuntamente. Todo va a depender de las circunstancias del caso. En los casos de deportacià ³n tener en cuenta antes de presentar el perdà ³n que si se està ¡ en una situacià ³n de prohibicià ³n permanente, ya que ahà ­ rigen sus propias reglas, que son muy duras. A tener en cuenta En casos antiguos puede que aplique la  proteccià ³n 245(i).  Ya no serà ­a necesario pedir un perdà ³n. Los perdones son totalmente discrecionales, esto es, si se aprueban o deniegan dependen de la persona encargada de resolverlos y siempre està ¡ radicada en Estados Unidos. Es necesario entender que los perdones son asuntos complejos, difà ­ciles, que requieren presentar bien el caso y toda la documentacià ³n, por lo que es realmente recomendable contar con un abogado migratorio reputado con experiencia en este tipo de casos. Y aà ºn asà ­, entender que es probable que no se gane el caso. Por à ºltimo, evitar ser và ­ctima de fraude migratorio. Particularmente de las personas que asegurar poder obtener un perdà ³n a cambio de una fuerte cantidad de dinero. Los casos de estafas migratorias pueden reportarse anà ³nimamente. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.